Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Belgium/Luxembourg/France 2008

Jean-Claude Van Damme plays himself in this comic action film. While visiting his family at home in Belgium, Van Damme is caught in the middle of a robbery, and the cops think the aging star has snapped and pulled the job himself. Now, on top of dealing with financial problems, a nasty custody battle and a waning career, he has to make like a real-life action hero and find his way out of a very tense situation.

Undoubtedly the best career choice Van Damme has ever made. This is a touching film that Van Damme himself portrays his 47 year old persona. He exploits himself to the fullest extent in this biopic film touching base with his Steven Seagal rivalry and falling out with John Woo. This is one funny film, especially if Van Damme played a major role in your childhood cinema upbringing. Which for me was one of my biggest influences and to this day still IS. Straight up, I CRIED two times in this film. I've never witnesses such a tour de force of self exploitation and genius execution of Jean Claude in all my years. If you get a chance to see this please tell me your thoughts. I would love just to discuss the genius of what this film is. At the films climax Van Damme delivers a monologue/confession without a script directly into the camera that is the most touching and human delivery I have ever seen brought to the screen. Do not miss this film or pass this up.

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