Saturday, March 21, 2009


Italy 2008

The intertwining tales of a delivery boy, a tailor, a businessman and two cocky teenagers form the fabric of this gritty and lyrical examination of the influential Neapolitan mob known as the Camorra. Peering into a multitude of social strata within present-day Naples, director Matteo Garrone's film -- a hybrid of melodrama, crime and art-film genres -- was nominated for a Best Foreign Language Film Golden Globe and a Best Documentary Independent Spirit Award.


Nothing special. Totally worth the watch, but the whole cinéma vérité style has been done with crime and mobsters before. Refn's Pusher trilogy, in fact.
Not only did it remind me of the Pusher Trilogy to the t, of course except being Italian, it's seemingly a replica and not nearly as good. People complain about plot with this film, when undoubtedly it's a pure examination of different people caught up in the crime syndicates that run Italy and how they all interconnect. Definitely some major rawness, but when you shoot something cinéma vérité, it's not something that s hard to obtain. Well acted, kind of boring, but an interesting authentic look into the Italian street mafias of modern Italy. It makes for an intersting watch, regardless if I didn't feel attached to all of the characters.

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